14 Sep Brussels Sprouts Surprise
Posted at 14:56h
in Gluten Free Meals, Healthy Meals, Paleo Meals, Starters, Sides, Soups & Salads
As part of the cruciferous family of vegetables, Brussels Sprouts are extremely good for you, however I’ve found that this tends to be one vegetable that people either love or loathe. I really believe that those who don’t love this charming little vegetable often simply haven’t taken the time to experiment with different ways to prepare it. Rather than steaming my sprouts, I prefer to shred them up, add a little bacon and serve alongside a delicious slab of meat. Give this recipe a try and you might find yourself loving Brussels Sprouts just a little bit more!
- 4 cups Brussels sprouts, grated (I used the grating feature on my food processor but you can also carefully do this by hand)
- 2 strips bacon (more if desired!), chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced (I again used the grating feature on my food processor and just run these through with the sprouts)
- Small handful fresh cranberries (frozen work well also)
- ½ tablespoon bacon or turkey fat from organic meat or coconut oil (using fat from turkey, chicken or beef bone broth adds great flavor to this and similar recipes)
- Salt and pepper to taste
- NOTE: To sweeten this up a bit you can also drizzle in 1-2 tsp honey or maple syrup, optional
- Shred Brussels Sprouts and chop bacon
- Melt fat in cast iron skillet on medium heat
- Add all ingredients and cook, stirring frequently, about 5-8 minutes
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